Admissions and Tickets Regulations
General Admission
(36" and taller) Children under 36" are FREE!
Membership Ticket
A membership ticket admits the person whose name appears on the ticket to the fair each day. A membership ticket can only be sold to residents of Perry County. This ticket admits that person to the fair each day, and gives voting privileges to those members 18 years old and over. To be a candidate for the Board of Directors, a membership ticket is required & the person must be 18 years or older.
Season Ticket
A season ticket admits the person whose name appears on the ticket to the fair each day. A season ticket is sold to anyone who does not reside in Perry County and does not wish to be an Ag Society Member.
Perry County Youth exhibiting at the fair can receive a free armband, compliments of the Perry County Farm Bureau, to enter the fair each day. The exhibitors must have a voucher card on file at the fair office by July 1st. The armbands must be picked up at the pavilion on Saturday, July 16th, 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. and Sunday, July 17th, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Armbands that are lost or destroyed may be replaced at the Fair Office for $1.00
Perry County Youth exhibiting at the fair can receive a free armband, compliments of the Perry County Farm Bureau, to enter the fair each day. The exhibitors must have a voucher card on file at the fair office by July 1st. The armbands must be picked up at the pavilion on Saturday, July 16th, 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. and Sunday, July 17th, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Armbands that are lost or destroyed may be replaced at the Fair Office for $1.00
Ride Pass
Membership and Season ticket holders and Junior Fair Exhibitors with armbands may purchase a ride pass each day which entitles them to ride all rides. Children 36" or taller must purchase a ride pass to be permitted to ride.
Discounted Ride Pass
This pass has 4 tickets which can be redeemed at any Michael's Amusement ticket booth to be able to ride all rides. The ride pass will be available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and can be used all in one day to share with others, or may be used on separate days.
Main Gate Vehicle Pass
The main gate vehicle pass is good from 8 am to 4 pm only. No vehicles will be permitted to drive through the main gate after 4 p.m. except emergency and official vehicles.
Livestock Vehicle Pass
This pass will only be sold to livestock exhibitors and can only be used at the livestock gate or the compound arena gate. These vehicles can only park behind the Coliseum or at the horse barn. Both passes must be attached to the windshield.
Camping Pass
Anyone camping on the fairgrounds must apply for a permit at the Secretary’s Office and display the permit on the camper. If you have paid for reserved camping come to the office for your card. Each vehicle parked with the camper must have an automobile pass attached to the windshield. In order to purchase a camping pass, either two membership or season tickets must also be purchased.
Veterans Day - Monday, July 15th
Veterans admitted (FREE All day) w/Veteran ID Card
Special activities for Kids & FREE LUNCH
Kid's Day - Tuesday, July 16th
Sponsored by Wichert Ins. & Michael's Amusements
Special activities for Kids & FREE LUNCH
Senior Day - Thursday, July 18th
Seniors 60+ admitted FREE from 8:00 am until 6:00 pm
– No delivery trucks will be allowed on the midway afternoon.
– Only emergency and official vehicles will be allowed to drive through the main gate after 4 pm.
– No delivery trucks will be allowed on the midway afternoon.
– Vehicles with passes must be parked so that they do not block access to any building exit.
– No dogs or pets permitted on the fairgrounds during fair week. The only exceptions are service dogs with proper verification and concessionaires pets which must be kept at their campsite or in their camper during fair hours. The owners of these exempted animals must provide proof of vaccinations being current. They must also clean up after their animals and are liable for any problem that arises from their animals being at the fair.